About us
The Companies Office enables businesses, the major legal mechanism for economic development, to form and operate. We aim to make doing business in New Zealand easy and to be the authoritative source of information about businesses..
What we do
Find out about the government agency responsible for administering New Zealand’s statutory registers.
Our legislation
Use this list to find all the legislation for the registers administered by the Companies Office.
New Zealand Business Number (NZBN)
Find out more about the NZBN available to all businesses in New Zealand.
Corporate regulation in New Zealand
Corporate regulation enables business owners to set up, manage and close their businesses.
Our enforcement approach
The integrity of information in our registers is critical to business confidence in New Zealand.
Searching our registers
Get help to search our registers and find information that is available to read and download.
Contact us
Find contact details for the Companies Office and the registers it administers.
Standard for the use of a valid electronic signature on documents
This standard provides guidelines on the use of electronic signatures on documentation and information submitted to the Companies Office and describes the circumstances in which the Companies Office will accept documentation and information under an electronic signature.
Standard for the use of a valid electronic signature on documents
This privacy notice describes when we may collect personal information and how we can use it.
Copyright material on the Companies Office website is protected by copyright on behalf of the Crown.