Role of the Registrar of Retirement Villages
The main responsibilities of the Registrar
The Registrar of Retirement Villages is responsible for the registration of retirement villages and the maintenance of the Retirement Villages Register.
The main responsibilities of the Registrar
The responsibilities of the Registrar of Retirement Villages include:
- registering retirement villages and receiving annual returns from them
- maintaining the Retirement Villages Register
- notifying the Registrar-General of Land when a retirement village is registered of the description of land that comprises the retirement village, and of any changes to the property comprising the retirement village notified to us, so that a memorial is placed on the certificates of title for the village for the residents' protection
- approving the termination or non-renewal of the appointment of a statutory supervisor
- suspension of the registration of a village where appropriate
- dealing with requests for the cancellation of a retirement village's registration, and
- dealing with requests for an exemption from the requirement to appoint a statutory supervisor.